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Brand Background

Discovery was established 25 years ago as a shared value insurance company, that aspired to build a company that brought real change to many people's lives. Today, Discovery covers over 5.1 million clients through a pioneering business model that incentivises people to be healthier, and enhances and protects their lives.

The Brief

Create a campaign to encourage black South Africans to think about the prospect of investing their money. This campaign intends to enlighten, encourage, educate, and inspire the target market to:

1)Learn the process of investing.

2)Adjust and maximise their current earnings to cater for investing.

3)To sign up/subscribe with Discovery Invest to help them to invest and to create sustainable wealth.

The Target Market

Discovery policyholders and their families. And black lower class to middle class individuals who are not accustomed to the idea of investing.

The Insight

"Insurance doesn’t care about the lower class."

The Big Idea

An Inspired Perspective On Investing.


Rationale: A large population of black South Africans do not participate in investing of any kind. There is a negative perspective on invest by black South Africans who are considered to be lower class and those that are considered middle class. This negative perspective is due to a number of factors such as, a lack of information and education about what it takes in order to start and maintain a successful investment portfolio. 


Investing in a brighter future.

The Executions


Client: Discovery Invest

Element: TVC

Duration: 60’’

Title: Themba’s Story

Writer: Mpumelelo Ngwenya


A young boy in the early stages of teen-hood is in the bedroom of his family home, looking into the mirror, seemingly in deep contemplation.

His father appears standing by the door, as we seem his reflection on the mirror. [show father lip sync on voice over]


Themba abruptly walks out of the room.


Underneath the searing sun, Themba takes a break from washing his fathers car. He glances over to see a group of his neighbourhood friends.


His face lights up with excitement - but as he's about to drop what he's doing, he is reminded of the chores that he needs to fulfill - and his demeanour changes from excitement to being focused on the task at hand.


Themba finishes washing the car and his fathers pays him for it.


After a day at school; Themba and his group of friends are walking back home. An ice cream truck passes the kids and they all run after it. Themba comes to a halt, as though he is urgently reminded of something. He reaches in his pocket and pulls his money out. Although he can afford it, he chooses not to spend his money. His friends come back with their faces covered in the happiness of ice cream trickling down their hands and the cold and sweet sensation on taste their buds.


[Time lapse to a teenage version of Themba.]


Themba wakes up in the morning after a long night of studying (in the same bedroom we see him in at the beginning.) He opens his closet and instead of seeing his clothes, he sees a bright neon light in the distance, inside what has turned into a dark abyss. He walks inside, moving closer to the light, while the door closes behind him. He sees different labelled signage with paths that he could choose to follow, as a metaphor for the paths he has to choose in life.


We see a still photograph of Themba, with his parents behind him, and then the moment plays out for us in 'real-time'. It's his graduation ceremony; he shakes his fathers hands with pride, gives his mother a warm embracing hug, and jumps up for joy to celebrate his achievement.


Themba cuts a big red ribbon with a giant pair of scissors. It's the grand opening of his car dealership. His family, friends, and peers celebrate him and his moment.


He walks out from his dream home, and into his garden where his kids are playing on the lawn, with a breathtaking view ahead of him, and his family is seen having a good time through a window, into the house behind him.






Themba: My father always told me to never forget what I want in life. He would say....


‘When you know what you want, nobody has to remind you what you need to do to get it.


FX: Upbeat jazz music, increasing in intensity and anticipation.


Group of children: Themba! Themba! Asambe siyodlala!(Let's go and play!)






Themba: I always reminded myself of what I needed to do.





I had to understand that this was not punishment but this was necessary in order to fulfill my dreams and ambitions.










Early mornings, and late nights. Saying no to the distractions, and saying yes to the sacrifices that lead to success. It's never been easy but anything worth having isn't meant to be.







Believing in what I wanted for myself, being disciplined, and working hard has got me this far.





I invested in myself, and I invested in my dreams.




It took me a long time to realise that this was never about me. All the times that I practised self-discipline, perseverance, and working hard, it was not only to bring my dreams to life but it was to build a greater future for those who would come after me."


Discovery VO: Change your life. Change your future. Learn to invest.

Client: Discovery Invest

Element: TVC

Duration: 60’’

Title: Bare Minimum

Writer: Mpumelelo Ngwenya


The opening scene is complete darkness, but after a few seconds of seeing nothing but a dark screen, we see the silhouette of a bedroom, and the objects inside it become more recognisable.


A man gets out of bed, and glances at his beautiful wife. He navigates his way around a small four-room RDP home, and proceeds in the direction of one of the rooms.


A light is switched on and we we seen two children(a boy, 8, and a girl,12) still fast asleep on two separate beds, in a fairly small-sized bedroom.


The mother of the household helps the children to get ready for school; making breakfast, packing lunches, and walking them to school.


She says her goodbyes and heads to catch the bus to make her way to work.


While glancing outside the window of a moving bus, her attention is grabbed by a headline poster that reads 'SOUTH AFRICA DOWN GRADED AGAIN!'


We see the man driving past a skwatta camp, past closed businesses, and dilapidated buildings.


The couple we been introduced to is now parked at the edge of an open field, starring into nothingness but with their eyes filled with hope.




The man is seen overseeing and inspecting construction work on a new development.


The father, the mother and the children stand i front of a new hypermarket in their township neighbourhood that they have started.







MVO: We didn't have much but we were always able to make a little to go a long way.



For us it's always been early mornings, long days, and short nights.










FVO: You could let all the bad news get to you; there's never been a shortage of that of that in the country. But why choose to being confined to the bare minimums





MVO: We have so much to live for, so much to give and so much to create.

FVO: We wanted more out of life....

MVO: ....we wanted more for ourselves, and we wanted more those that we would leave behind.


FVO: Investing in our dreams, investing in ourselves, investing our people, and investing in our future....


MVO: create a sustainable future for us all.

Radio Ads

Client: Discovery Insure

Element: Radio Script

Duration: 30’’

Title: Enough?

Writer: Mpumelelo Ngwenya



FX: Audience shuffle into their seats - a room of excitement fills the air - a drum roll that leads to a grand crescendo.



African Ringmaster: Welcome, welcome! Please gather around! Listen clearly and carefully to what I'm about to say.


Aren't you tired of worrying about if what you have now will ever be enough? Enough for you and enough for your loved ones. Enough for the bill, and enough to get them through school. Enough for everything that goes up! Like petrol, VAT, taxi's, food and just everything that goes up!


FX: A burst of flames from a fire-breathing act.


What if all that worrying could stop?


FX: Silence.


Be better with money. Keep a little here and store some there. Make more money! Just imagine that? Save money, use your money to make more money while you step back and enjoy the show.


Sounds great, doesn't it? You're probably thinking, "How do I do that?" Well, the answer to that is simple. 


Connect with the financial services offered by Discovery Invest. Connect with your personal brokers; people dedicated to helping you to use your money better. Save, invest, and grow wealth.


Discovery VO: Discovery; Invest in yourself.

Client: Discovery Insure

Element: Radio Script

Duration: 30’’

Title: Father Christmas

Writer: Mpumelelo Ngwenya


Child: Mommy, will Father Christmas bring me many toys this year?


Mommy: Well; if you're a good girl, and you work really hard at school, then yes, he will.


Child: *Cheerfully* Okay. But mommy why do I have to wait for Christmas? I'm always a good girl, and I always work hard at school. Why can't I have more toys now?


Mommy: *Chuckles* The truth is that Father Christmas works very hard throughout the year, and he can only afford to visit once a year. So when he's saved up all of his money he buys your toys and brings them to you.


Child: Wow. Father Christmas is doing it all wrong!


Mommy: Oh?


Child: If Father Christmas gets paid like mommy and daddy; he could save more money, and learn how to use his money on the important things, like buying toys for children all over the world. Maybe if he does that we could have more than one Merry Christmas in a year.


Mommy: Hmm... Tell me more, sweetheart.


Discovery VO: Discovery; Invest in yourself.

© 2018 Mpumelelo Ngwenya. Copywriter.

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